Night Adoration
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Apostolate of Mary in the Domestic Church
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
food bank
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Knights of Columbus
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Communion at Home for the Sick
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Funeral Mass Coordinator
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
church decoration
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
food distribution
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Divine Mercy
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
prayer group
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Senior Group
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Hospitality Ushers
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Young Teenagers
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Young adults
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Church Interior Cleaning
Monicas Mothers
Naturaleza: Grupo apostólico de fieles laicos que, conscientes de la importancia del papel de los Tres Corazones, Jesús, José y María de Guadalupe en la historia de la salvación se empeñan en promover una espiritualidad que nace del Corazón Eucarístico de Jesús, del Inmaculado Corazón de María y del justo y casto Corazón de José.
Objetivo: Promover la adoración al Santísimo Sacramento en niños, jóvenes y adultos teniendo un encuentro personal con Jesús Eucaristía. Acercar a los fieles al Corazón de María, imitando sus virtudes y pidiendo su intercesión. Conocer la vida interior del Corazón de san José para imitar su ejemplo y conseguir su protección paternal.
sacred cloaks
En esta caja puedes escribir toda la descripción del ministerio. En esta caja puedes escribir toda la descripción del ministerio. En esta caja puedes escribir toda la descripción del ministerio.
CHESED Marriages
MISIÓN: Dar a conocer la Misericordia de Dios en los matrimonios, ayudar en el crecimiento Espiritual y de nuestra Fe Católica, tanto individual como en pareja.
Para que se manifieste el Poder de Cristo Resucitado en su relación familiar, y perseveren en el orden dado por Dios en la biblia, para el matrimonio.
OBJETIVO: Dar herramientas a los matrimonios que están pasando por momentos difíciles, o a parejas que están viviendo en unión libre, enseñarles la importancia de llegar al sacramento del matrimonio.
Y donde cada miembro encuentre respuestas a los problemas en el ámbito conyugal, y cada respuesta, sea a la luz de la palabra de Dios.
VISIÓN: La visión es lograr matrimonios que se levanten, para bendecir y servir a la iglesia y a una sociedad que necesita testimonios patentes de lo que es el verdadero significado del matrimonio.
El matrimonio, es una bendición si es gobernado por Dios. Y algo muy importante es que la pareja pueda aprender de los problemas y errores cometidos teniendo en el pensamiento como hacer feliz a mi pareja.
ACTIVIDADES: Nos reunimos cada martes de 7 a 9 pm dentro de nuestra parroquia, para juntos en la gran asamblea compartir momentos de Oración, Alabanza, y enseñanza.
MISIÓN: Sabiendo que nuestra iglesia es un lugar santo, deseamos hacer nuestro servicio a Dios realizando la limpieza interior del Templo.
VISIÓN: Mantener en buenas y limpias condiciones el interior del Templo.
OBJECTIVO: Que la casa de Dios este dignamente limpia para toda la comunidad, creando un ambiente de oración, paz, y serenidad.
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Miracles of Guadalupe
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Minister of
Palliative care
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Ministers of the Word
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
naim Widowers/Widowers
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
night for lovers
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
First Communion
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
in Spanish
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
in English
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Lay Scalabrinians
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Separated & Divorced
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Altar Servers
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Guadalupe Society
In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry. In this box you can write the full description of the ministry .
Cultura de la Vida
Misión: Construir la Cultura de la Vida en San Diego con el fin de defender y promover la vida y la Dignidad humana desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. Como discípulos misioneros, vivimos y difundimos el Evangelio de la Vida a través de la oración, la educación, el cuidado Pastoral y la participación en políticas públicas.
Objetivo Crear conciencia y sensibilidad en nuestras familias y en nuestra comunidad Parroquial sobre los temas de cultura de la Vida, así como facilitar un ambiente que fomente acciones en defensa de la vida.
Vision: Proclamar el Evangelio con Palabras y Acciones.